This is a simple fender-bender, but everyone involved should be aware of what to do.

Parking lots are crowded at malls, supermarkets, and even during many weekends. This increases the risk of an accident and damage to your vehicle, truck, or SUV.
Don’t panic if you damage, scratch or otherwise hit a parked vehicle. You can follow these simple steps:
What to do if you accidentally hit a car in a lot?
- Do not drive away from an accident scene, no matter how small. You could face charges of hit-and run if you are seen by another customer or surveillance cameras.
- Find out who owns the other vehicle. Go into the store to speak with someone at the Customer Service Desk. Tell the employee about the car and ask him/her to announce it on the loudspeaker.
- Leave an accident note. Write down your name, number, and a short explanation of the incident. Place it on a safe place in the car. If you have a smartphone or camera, take a picture of the damages and write down the license number.
- If necessary, call the police. The extent of the damage to the vehicle may determine whether you want to involve police. The police will document the accident, and may even help you locate the owner of the other vehicle.
What to do when someone hits your vehicle in a parking area
Someone may hit your vehicle while you are in the mall or supermarket shopping. They may just leave a note, or they may just leave. As bad as this stinks, make sure to follow these few steps to protect yourself.
- Call the Police-Parking lot accidents may become he said , she said accidents. Also if the other party has left the scene, you need the police to come out and make an incident report.
- Call your agent and let him or her know as soon as you can. Your agent can help you decide the next step.
- Document evidence. If you have a camera or phone, take pictures of the damage.
- Make detailed notes. If you can, write down the driver’s name, license number, insurance company, and address. As much information as you can if that information is available.
What to do when you see a car crash on private property
- Help the other driver. If you are not the driver who caused the accident, document the damage. Give the driver’s contact information in case the driver’s insurance agent or police needs to reach you.
What you should do if you have a car accident and are injured in a parking lot
There are a lot of personal injury cases that occur on private property or in parking lots. The police jurisdiction is on city property or government property. However, they should always be called in this event to write up an incident report. An incident report is like an accident report, but does not involve citations.
Follow these few steps if you have been hurt in a parking lot accident
Check on passengers and other people involved in the parking lot accident-Make sure everyone is not in immediate danger. If someone needs immediate help, call 911 and get EMS services on the way
Call the police ASAP-The other party might not want you to. However, they won’t get a citation, and no points will be deducted from their license. the police will write up an incident report which is a lot like an accident report, make sure o get a copy when it becomes available.
Locate witness’s-Many instances involving parking lot accidents end up in he said , she said cases. In other words, no one admits to doing anything wrong. Witness’s become crucial in cases like this, so get information from anybody who witnessed the parking lot accident.
Collect evidence-Take picture’s of the scene if possible. If you get an attorney later, he will want to see the accident scene and see how the parking lot accident occurred. Furthermore, we all have cell phones, it doesn’t hurt to take as many pictures as you can.
Call a Doctor-If you are hurt, make sure to find a doctor that treats car accident injuries
Parking lot accident involving injuries require a few extra steps than on public roads. Make sure to educate yourself and don’t becomes a victim. Many of these cases ended up deadlocked because one party or the other, denies responsibility for the parking lot accident.
Make sure that you don’t become the victim in a parking lot accident.