Why you should never exchange information with anyone after a car accident and then leave the scene. There are many reasons not to do this, the main reason is if you are hurt or your car is damaged, the insurance company may not even pay for your damages. Never just exchange information and leave the scene of an accident.
1-None of your property damage will be paid for by the at fault party
Property damage or the damage that is done to your car will not be paid for if you just exchange information with the person who hit you. It’s important to remember that just exchanging information with the party that hit you doesn’t mean the insurance company will pay anything. They are going to want proof that an accident even occurred. If you can’t prove it happened, you may find yourself footing the bill for your own losses.
Furthermore, the at fault party could just lie to the insurance company, or not even call them.

2-Your bodily injuries may not be paid for
If you have been hurt and just exchange information with the driver that hit you and leave, you may not get your injuries covered under their insurance policy. It’s possible you may have to go through your own policy to get this taken care of . If you live in a pip state, you should be ok. However, you still may have to prove your injury came from a car accident.
3-An Attorney may not take your case
If you are hurt and need the assistance of an attorney, it’s possible they won’t even look at your case. Exchanging information and leaving the scene doesn’t generate a police report. Attorneys like to see some sort of evidence there was an accident and this usually comes in the form of an accident report. You should always stay at the scene of the accident and wait for the police to get a police report. Never leave the scene of a car accident and just echange information.
4-At fault party’s insurance company won’t even to you
If the at fault party never contacts their insurance company, chances of them talking to you are pretty much zero. They may try to contact their policy holder and see what happened. However, if hey cant get ahold of the policy holder or the policy holder tells a different story, chances of you getting the issue resolved through the insurance company are pretty much zero.
5-Your passenger injuries’ may not be covered
If you chose to exchange insurance information and then just leave the scene of a car accident, if there are passengers in your car, their injuries may not be covered. Worst of all, you or your auto insurance may have to cover the medical cost associated with your passengers injuries. Passengers in most states can sue the driver of a vehicle for their injuries, if they don’t live in the same household, or are related. Various states and insurance have different stipulations on this.
6-The at fault party could say it’s your fault
The at fault party could try and call your insurance company and say it was your fault. I have seen this happen in my years as an investigator. If the at fault party has “witnesses” you could be in a world of trouble. These witnesses may not even have been at the accident scene. Do not just exchange car insurance information and leave the scene. It can come back a bite you bigtime.
What you should do after a car accident
First off, if any one is seriously injured, call 911. Make sure to call the police. Quick story. I had a young college student run into the back of me getting off the interstate. He pretty much totaled his car. His dad rushed to the scene and begged me not to call the police. I assume his son has been in a few accidents and their insurance premiums where through the roof. I called the police anyway, they came out, wrote up and accident report and i got the truck fixed through his insurance company. I could have been shafted if we just exchanged information at the and left.
Get a police report ASAP
Always get an accident report or a police report. Never just exchange information with the driver that hit you and leave. You can always get a police report or accident report from the city, county, or State police departments. It depends on who came out to the scene, and whose jurisdiction it is. If you did not get a business car with a case number, call the city for which it occurred and talk to records.
Get medical attention if you are hurt
Obviously go to the ER if you have serious injuries following the accident. However, most people don’t hurt the day of the accident. The pain may come hours, days, or even weeks after. Make sure if you are hurt to go see a doctor that treats car accident injuries. This will help document your personal injury case for your attorney. However, if you just exchange informational and leave the scene of the car accident, you have no proof the accident even took place.
Seek the advice of an attorney
In some cases, insurance companies treat people pretty fair. However that’s very few people. Seek the advice of a qualified attorney. All personal injury attorneys will provide you with a free consultation. If they don’t do this, find someone else. Attorneys do help in dealing with an unruly insurance company or adjuster. A good attorney will help get your medical expenses paid. Furthermore, they may help with your property damage and diminished value. Many folks have had at least one bad experience with an attorney, there are some very good ones out there, you just have to find them. Never exchange insurance information and leave the scene of an auto accident. An attorney, more than likely, will not take your case.