What does it mean to have pins and needles after a car accident?
Pins and needles sensation could be the cause of a pinched nerve. Your spine has many nerves that run down your back, if one of these gets pinched, you could have a pins and needles sensation.
Getting into a car accident can be traumatic and stressful. But, to be injured in a car accident is so much worse. Then, you need to worry about your injuries, claiming for your injuries and other stressful things about the accident.
The problem is that many people don’t really know what to look for in car accident injuries. This normally means one of two things. They are waiting too long to get to a doctor, or they don’t seek medical attention at all. Also, people don’t really consider pins and needles as an injury as well. With this information, you will know everything there is to know about injuries that are caused by pins and needles.

Nerve Damage?
Not many people understand what it means to have pins and needles. This is when it feels like if your arm or leg is sleeping. That feeling where it feels like someone is pinching you with needles. It isn’t really painful, but annoying and frustrating if this doesn’t go away fast enough.
Many people are getting pins and needles when they are sitting in the same position for a long time, or when they have nerve damage. This might be something that is happening to you all the time, or you don’t ever have experienced this feeling before.
Why are people thinking that this isn’t serious injuries?
The problem with having pins and needles after a car accident is that people think it isn’t really a serious injury. They think that they don’t need to seek medical attention and this will go away after a day or two. Because this is just a frustrating feeling that won’t really go away.
They don’t have any pain, so they don’t go for medical attention. But, at the end of the day, they are just worsening their injuries and the time for recovery is getting delayed. And, this just because they thought that it wasn’t a serious injury when it ends up a lot more serious than what you might have thought.
People are associating pain with an injury. If you don’t have any pain, there aren’t any injuries. And with pins and needles, there normally isn’t any pain.
Other symptoms that normally go with pins and needles
When you find that you do feel pins and needles after a car accident, you should make sure that you are looking for other symptoms as well. This is the only way that you can make sure that you know if you might have a serious injury or not. These are some of the other symptoms that are going with pins and needles:
- Headaches
- Numbness in any part of your body
- Uncontrolled movements of your joints
- Deep cuts to the skin that could injured nerves
The moment that you have pins and needles, with the above-mentioned symptoms, you need to make sure that you are going to get medical attention from a accident doctor right away. The longer you are waiting, the more damage you might have in the long run.
Can you go to a chiropractor for pins and needles?
Many people are wondering if you should visit a chiropractor for the pins and needles feeling. It is possible and you will benefit from going to a chiropractor for this type of injury. The chiropractor will send you for the necessary tests to confirm that this isn’t a serious injury where you need surgery or other invasive medical treatment.
If it isn’t serious, the chiropractor can treat your pins and needles with natural methods. However, if this is a serious injury, your chiropractor will recommend that you are going to see a specialist. This is because a chiropractor can treat serious injuries, where medical intervention is needed. They can’t operate or give any medication.
But, this doesn’t mean that this isn’t something that you can consider. If you are struggling with the pins and needle feeling, you might have a nerve that is pinched. And, with the right amount of sessions, the chiropractor will be able to treat your condition for relief.
Common with car accidents
With car accidents, there are so many different injuries that you can suffer from. Some might be really serious and you might even be transported to the emergency rooms immediately. However, there are also some mild injuries where you are injured, but not really so serious to be taken to the emergency rooms. Then, there is pins and needles. This is not a painful injury, but annoying and frustrating. The one thing that people are doing wrong, is to think that this isn’t a serious injury and that you don’t need any medical attention.
But, this can be a serious injury, especially if you don’t seek medical attention as soon as possible. This is why you should know everything there is to know about this type of injury. This is to know that it still might be an injury that needs medical attention. The sooner you are getting medical attention, the faster you will heal. Don’t ever take an injury like pins and needles as normal. This isn’t normal and can lead to permanent damage if you left it untreated.
Recap about pins and needles after a car accident
People that are getting the pins and needle feeling after a car accident think that this isn’t a serious injury and that it can heal on its own. This is mostly because there isn’t any pain involved with pins and needles.
However, this is normally a sign of a pinched nerve, and it needs to be treated in order to heal properly. You should make sure that you are going to see an accident doctor immediately. You might have a head injury or another serious injury that might pinch your nerves.
Seeing a chiropractor is possible for getting treatment if the injury can be treated with natural healing methods. You can even go for massage therapy if you are struggling with pinched nerves. However, by ignoring this injury, you might just worsen the injury and you might have long-term effects from the injury.