Semi Truck and Commercial Crash Doctor

Tractor Trailer Accidents require extra diligence when it comes to medical care and legal advice. Only your Tractor Trailer Accident Doctor will know how much treatment you will need for your Injuries. However, you may also qualify for future expenses and personal compensation as well. Regardless of the legal advice, you must seek immediate medical treatment after any Semi Truck Accident. Ask your Semi Truck Accident Doctor who he recommends for your specific legal needs.
How does Tractor Trailer Insurance work for a Commercial Accident?
Large Commercial crashes are treated no differently when it comes to medical treatment. Likewise, auto insurance can be used after any Semi Truck Accident. Furthermore, you do not need an Injury Attorney to be treated for Tractor Trailer Accidents. The Semi Truck accident Doctor works with many Attorney’s, and can recommend some if you have the need. However necessary, it helps to get the advice from a qualified Tractor Trailer Accident Doctor about the right Semi Truck Attorney for your Injury needs.
Semi Truck Doctors know about the best Injury Attorneys in the Nation. Not all Tractor Trailer Injury Attorneys are the same. Don’t be fooled by the big Firms.
How are my Medical bills covered after a Tractor Trailer or Commercial Accident?
You can generally get all of your Medical bills covered after any commercial or tractor trailer crash. However, you may need to get an attorney involved to do so . In general, you should never pay out of pocket for medical treatment after any commercial or semi trailer crash. At the same time, PIP or no fault, liens, or med pay is often used to treat most Auto Injuries after commercial and tractor trailer incidents.
PIP or personal injury protection
PIP stands for Personal Injury Protection, and only applies to a small group of states in the US. It is mandatory for all insurance policies, which means all car owners must carry medical coverage. This coverage allows you to get immediate medical treatment after any Commercial, auto, and motorcycle crash. Likewise, you do not need an Injury Attorney after your crash. Again, your Accident Doctor understands your medical needs and can recommend the right Injury Attorney.
The Accident Doctor Group offers doctors for any PIP or NO Fault Auto Accident. In addition, our Physicians know the best Injury Attorneys and work together to build a strong personal injury case. Semi-Truck Accidents require a strong legal and medical team working together.
Med Pay or Medical payments
Very similar to PIP. However, it is an elected coverage. You have to ask for it. Med pay usually comes in increments of thousands of dollars in medial coverage. It will cover you and anyone in you car no matter who was at fault for the commercial crash. Med pay is a great thing to ask your agent for if you don’t have any. However, most agents will not tell you about it.
Attorneys lien
This is when the doctor waits to get paid. They wait for the case to settle and then he will get paid. Many doctors operate in this manner. Furthermore, it means no out of pocket expense for the injured party. The only downside to this is the doctor has to wait to get paid. In other words, he may be waiting a while.
Can I receive compensation from my Commercial Accident?
The answer depends on the amount of physical, medical and psychological damage was done by the crash. Accident Physicians work with different Doctors to determine the amount of physical damage incurred from the incident. Likewise, Injury Attorneys work with your Accident Physicians to document the injuries and potential future cost of treatment. Together, we create a detailed recommendation for future treatment and compensation.
Whiplash for Commercial Auto Accidents
Whiplash is the most common injury after any Commercial crash. The size of vehicle is just as important as the speed. A large commercial vehicle will cause more damage to your car than a smaller vehicle. Furthermore, large commercial trucks will generally have a harder time braking before a crash, which can cause additional damage.
Whiplash Injuries can happen at low speeds, also known as a fender bender, and cause chronic pain if left untreated. Commercial Crashes can cause significant damage due to the size and weight of the vehicles. Regardless of the speed, you should seek instant care after any whiplash injury. We offer free legal counsel for any commercial accident. We also accept PIP and NO Fault Insurance for Commercial crashes.
Injuries you may sustain after a commercial accident
- Whiplash
- Broken bones
- internal injuries
- Soft tissue injuries
- Severe Back & Neck issues
- Neck
- Death
Do I need an Attorney for my Semi Truck Accident?
Not necessarily. Not all Commercial incidents are the same and each Injury is unique, which is why you need to speak to a qualified Commercial Accident Doctor. Only your Semi Truck Doctor will know if you truly need an Injury Attorney. In fact, a qualified tractor trailer Doctor will work directly with your Attorney to document each part of your treatment. Together, your team will build a solid case for your personal injury claim.
How can I build my Personal Injury Case after a Commercial wreck?
The best advice we can give after a commercial crash is to seek immediate medical treatment. The Commercial Insurance Company will see delayed treatment as a sign that you are not injured. Delayed treatment and gaps in treatment will hurt your personal injury claim after any commercial crash. Regardless of how severe your commercial accident was and the injuries you have, seek immediate medical treatment. Our tractor trailer Accident Doctors will work with any Attorney to build a solid case, or we can find the right Tractor Trailer Attorney for your Commercial Case.
Should I go to the Emergency Room after my Commercial Accident?

If you are seriously injured after your Commercial Auto Accident, then call 911 or go to the emergency room. The Emergency Room is more than capable to bill your health insurance, detect broken bones or fractures, and treat cuts and bruises. However, the ER will generally send you to your primary care physician for a follow up. As soon as your PC finds out it’s a tractor trailer accident, you may have to pay out of pocket for your care. They will not do third party billing. You need to see an Accident Doctor for follow up treatment. Commercial crashes often times require long-term treatment, which may require additional compensation.
Follow up with a accident doctor
Although the ER is capable of billing your health insurance, you most likely will need a follow-up (or your injuries aren’t urgent) visit with a qualified Accident Physician. Make sure that your treatment is handled by a Doctor trained in Auto Accident Injuries. Our Doctors are specially trained in working with Commercial Injuries. In addition, these doctors are trained to provide you with the documentation to confidently handle your personal injury claim in court if necessary. Other alternatives for commercial injuries include: Urgent Care, Chiropractic Care for Personal Injury, and Accident Doctors.
Don’t delay treatment after your Commercial Crash. Time is often important with any Injury for Commercial Cases.
Commercial Accidents can be scary and stressful. Our Doctors Group is highly trained to handle all of your Commercial Injuries. Find a Tractor Trailer Doctor near you