Accident Doctors Fayetteville
See the accident doctor first after your car or truck accident to determine the extent of your injuries. Seeing a car accident doctor once you have suffered a car wreck is the single most important thing you can do to preserve your personal injury case.
A lawyer cannot prove injury without documentation from a car wreck physician. If you never go see a doctor after a car wreck, you do not have a personal injury case. It’s that simple.
Accident Doctors specializes in auto injuries
A accident doctor treats and specializes in nothing but auto crashes. He is able to use physical therapy, medical, and chiropractic care to get you back to pre-accident condition.
When you wait, no-one will believe you’re hurt. Seeing a car wreck physician promptly is critical. Proper documentation of injuries is important in a case. You can’t go see just any physician after an car wreck. You need to see a doctor who treat nothing but accident injuries, these are accident doctors. The doctors and specialist we list on our website handle nothing but auto accident injuries.
Don’t speak to the insurance company until you get checked out from a doctor
Why, you might ask. The insurance company may offer you money right after your Fayetteville car wreck. If you accept this money, you may have just settled your injury claim without even knowing the extent of your injuries. Make sure to see the doctor first after your car wreck to have your injuries evaluated by Doctors who treat Fayetteville auto accident victims.

- Attorney Referral If Necessary
- Auto Accident Rehabilitation
- Back Pain
- Car accident injury care
- Claims Assistance
Common injuries
- Headaches
- Injury Rehab
- Neck Pain
- Back Pain
- Broken Bones
- Numbness sensation
- Tingling sensation
- Whiplash
We got you covered when it comes to medical care after an accident. We have a network to offer a multidisciplinary approach for all Fayetteville car wreck victims.
Our network of specialist include
- Neurologist
- Orthopedics
- Pain Management
- Physiotherapists
- MRI Centers
- Chiropractic
If you have been injured in a Fayetteville car wreck, hurt on the job, or slip and fall, give us a call, we can help.
Make an appointment
What to do following a Fayetteville car wreck

- If anyone needs immediate medical attention, dial 911.
- Call the Washington county sheriffs department or the Fayetteville city police
- You may have to move your vehicle if you can
- Find a nearby doctor who treats car accidents. Call us or use our locator tool to find one.
- If there are witnesses, get their information. This may be useful in the future
- Take pictures of the accident scene.
- Speak to an attorney – It may be necessary to consult with a personal injuries attorney in order to understand your rights. We provide free attorney consultations
Be sure to get a police report the moment it is available. The longer you delay, the more difficult it will be to correct any errors. Your doctor will also need some important information from the police report.
Minimal Arkansas insurance requirements:
- Bodily Injury-25,000/50,000
- Property Damage-25,000
Attorneys and your Fayetteville car accident
Attorneys may be able to help as well. They can provide you the legal advice you need as well as the representation. However, not all attorneys are created equal, much like doctors you have the best, then you have the rest. A good Attorney is very helpful in these instances because he helps you navigate your way through the whole process. Furthermore, they can offer legal advice.
Hiring an attorney is fairly simple as well, the whole process is made to be as simple as it can, to help you. However, hiring the wrong accident attorney can cause nothing but problems. Attorneys work just like most clinics; they will wait to be paid until your medical case has been resolved.
You may consider hiring a personal injury attorney. If you never thought about hiring an attorney or do not think they are worth the cost
Dealing with Attorneys
- Every personal injury attorney offers a free consultation at no cost to you. You get free legal advise
- Attorneys have access to information you do not
- Attorneys may be able to achieve a better settlement than you can, after all this is what they do for a living
- A personal injury attorney is better able to represent you in court if your case goes to trial than you can
- Insurance adjusters are hired to save the company money, you may not know how to navigate the system but your attorney will.
- Less stress – an attorney can take stress off you by handling the insurance company.
We can recommend an injury attorney who will get you the compensation that is rightfully owed to you.
A Fayetteville Accident Doctor is ready to help you after you have been injured in a car or truck wreck. Make sure you see a car accident doctor today if you have been in an Fayetteville auto crash. And, you may be entitled to FREE medical care if you have suffered a personal injury. Furthermore, the at-fault insurance company is responsible for paying your medical bills, not you. An Fayetteville car accident doctor will see you on a medical lien. In short, a medical lien means they wait to get paid just like the personal injury lawyer.
How your Fayetteville Accident Doctor is paid
A lot of injury patients grow concerned with how they are going to pay for medical care after an accident. And, this can be one reason an accident victims does not seek doctors care. The care you receive after an accident is important. Furthermore, it is used to establish medical evidence of injury that directly ties it to the car accident. It is very understandable that people can be scared to visit a clinic. However, this is mostly because of lack of money or worried about how the medical bills are going to get paid. And, this is completely understandable.

There are many doctors, just like lawyers who care nothing about you, but more about the money you can make them. In fairness, an attorney should not be emotionally attached to a case. However, a doctor should be. His job, his mission, should be to care for you, no matter the cost to him. Finally, how are your clinic visits covered or paid for?
Attorney Liens
An Attorney lien is a document between the car accident doctor and the lawyer. The attorney plays an important role in any personal injury case, but in this instance, he is the bank. What I mean is, all the settlement money will come to him. He is the one who writes the check to the client out of his escrow account. He is also the one that will pay for the medical expenses when the case is settled. They may try and negotiate the medical bill to a lower amount, which is very common. Once the doctor and attorney reach an agreement, then the doctor gets paid and the medical file is closed.
In some instances, they may try and negotiate the medical bill to a very low amount, the accident doctor may refuse. They do this because the case turned out badly, or they just want to put more money int he clients pocket. The lawyer will always take his percentage fee off the top and then reduce the doctors bill by 50 percent.
Medical Liens
Medical liens are filed in the event you have a case but not an attorney. However, the actual accident doctor is the one who does this. He files it with the county clerk (in most areas). This is essentially a contract between you and the doctor. It states the clinic will be paid when the auto insurance company pays you for your medical expenses. Medical liens work well, unless the patient decides he does not want to pay the doctor. In other words, the doctor essentially has to sue the patient, which i something no one wants.
Med pay
Med pay is something you have to ask for on your auto insurance policy. And, it pays for medical treatment deemed necessary. Furthermore, it usually comes in increments of thousands of dollars. Finally, is a very good idea to get it. However, the cost is not as much as you would think. The auto injury doctor can file all the necessary paperwork for you. All you have to do is go to the doctor for care.
PIP is not mandatory in Arkansas. However, a lot of people have moved in the state from a pip state. If you have a pip policy from out of state it will cover the same things that med pay will.

Don’t wait, go see a Fayetteville Accident doctor today
Don’t wait to go see a car accident doctor, go today. Waiting might cause problems down the road. Delay or perhaps a gap in medical care is exactly what the insurer calls waiting. If you wait and you are hurt it could cost you thousands of dollars in a recovery.
This is money that is due you that the insurance company will keep. If you have been injured in a Alaska car accident, go to an accident doctor today to get those injuries documented to obtain the settlement you deserve. If you can’t locate a doctor close to you, contact us immediately.
After you have been injured see the doctor first. You need to get your issues documented so your lawyer can get you the settlement you deserve. Don’t wait to see the doctor, waiting may jeopardize your case. Gap in treatment or delay in medical care might be the reason you do not get a settlement for your injury.
If you have been hurt in an accident and need help finding a doctor, use our zip code function search. If we do not have a doctor listed, contact us immediately, we will find you one.