Car accidents are more frequent during the holidays. It doesn’t really matter what type of holiday it might be. Did you ever sit still for one minute and wonder why this is something that is happening so frequently? And, why during the holidays when people are supposed to spend time as a family, and not have to deal with a car accident.

It is shocking when you are reading the statistics about car accidents that are occurring during the holidays. If you know more about it, and you make sure that you are trying to stay safe during the holidays, then you will know for sure that you have the best chance to keep you and your family safe. No matter where you are going during the holidays. This information is shocking and eye-opening at the same time.
Why are accidents happen more on popular holidays?
It is scary to think about the amount of car accidents that are happening over the holidays. Especially if you are going to be on the road, or someone you love is going to be on the roads. If you know more about the reasons why so many car accidents do occur during the holidays, then you will be able to try to prevent it from happening to you. These are some of the most common reasons why accidents do happen more during popular holidays:
- Drunk driving. People are at parties and they are drinking a lot more than usual. There are so many people that think that drinking is part of the holidays. And, they don’t consider the risks of drinking and driving. They think that they aren’t drunk, but they might not be able to make good judgments while driving. This can cause serious accidents.
- The holiday rush and stress. It can be frustrating to drive to your destination during the holidays. Especially when you are in a hurry to get to your destination. This can make people impatient and they are starting to make mistakes while driving. This can cause accidents, injuries and even death.
- The number of vehicles on the road. This is a fact. Just before the holidays and after the holidays, the roads are really busy. This can make traveling slower than normal. And, because of the number of cars on the roads, it is making the road more dangerously. Causing more accidents than during the rest of the year.
- Vehicles that aren’t roadworthy can also cause fatal accidents. Especially if they are driving on busy roads during the holidays.
The holidays that are causing the most accidents on the road
It is interesting to see which holidays are causing the most accidents and fatal accidents. This will ensure that you know to be careful during these holidays. It is also scary to see the numbers of accidents that can happen in the USA, during their holidays. These are the top holidays where accidents are happening more than normal.
- Memorial Day weekend. This is the number one holiday with the most fatal accidents per year. The number of fatal accidents during this holiday is about 312 fatal accidents per year.
- Labor Day weekend. This is another holiday where the fatal accidents are higher than normal. With this holiday, there are about 308 fatal accidents per year.
- 4Th of July. This is a holiday where people are partying a lot. And, it is shown when you are looking at the number of fatal accidents on the road. Yearly there are about 307 fatal accidents where people have died.
- Easter weekend. This is a popular holiday, but unfortunately, there are a lot of deaths on the road during Easter weekend. The amount of fatal accidents is 280 per year.
- Thanksgiving weekend. During this holiday weekend, there are about 258 fatal accidents per year.
Preventing becoming a victim during the holidays on the road
If you are going to be on the road during the holidays, there are a couple of things that you can do to stay safe. It is important to make sure that you know how you can prevent getting into a car accident when you are on the road during the holidays. These are some tips to ensure that you are staying safe on the roads:
- Make sure that you are looking out for other road users that are not driving carefully
- Be patient. This is the most common reason why accidents happen during the holidays
- Try not to drive late at night, when drunk drivers are on the road
- This is now more important than ever. Don’t use your phone while driving
- Don’t drive when you are tired. This can cause an accident easily
When you are planning to drive after a party

The one thing that most of us are doing during the holidays is to party. Especially with the 4th of July. Then, it is party time. However, when you know that you are going to a friend’s house for a party, there are a couple of things that you can do to protect yourself and others on the road.
The first thing that you can do is to stay the night at your friend’s house. Don’t drive after you had a couple of drinks. Or, you should hire a taxi to take you to the party and to take you back home. When you are looking at the statistics on holidays and accidents, more than half of the fatal accidents were caused by drunk drivers. Don’t be one of them.
The holidays. Time for family and friends. This is the time where people are partying, having fun and enjoy life. However, the last thing that you want is to let the holidays end up in a huge disaster. Too many people are struggling with the holidays, just because they lost a loved one during the holidays on the road.
By making sure that you are driving safely, not driving after a party and to make sure everyone in the vehicle is buckled up, you might be saving your or your family’s lives. And, you will be able to enjoy the next holiday, without the reminder that one of these holidays took one of your family members after a car crash. Precaution is so much better than prevention, especially when it comes to driving during the holidays.