Personal injury Physicians
Whiplash injuries should be taken seriously if you’ve been in a Jesup auto accident. Whiplash symptoms can manifest for weeks or months, making it easy to think that your injury is not as serious as you believe.
Whiplash and car accidents can cause a variety of symptoms, including pain in the lower back, shoulder pain, elbow pain, hand pain or wrist pain, and headaches. Our physicians have treated auto injuries for over 15 years. Give us a call we can help
Sings you are hurt in a car accident
Your Accident Doctor should address the signs and symptoms of severe whiplash immediately.

- Constant headaches
- Muscle spasms on your shoulders or neck
- Focusing difficulties
- Pins & Needles in the Neck or Shoulders
- Reduced range of motion or pain in the head
- Tightness of the neck and shoulders
- Feeling of tight or hard muscles
- Neck pain and tenderness
- Tingling or tingling sensations in the arms, shoulders, and hands
- Ringing in the ears
- Even when sitting, dizziness can occur.
- Weakness in arms
- Memory loss or disorientation
- Depression or anxiety
All these symptoms can occur at once or only a few times. If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s best to consult a Jesup Accident doctor immediately. Don’t wait!
Our Accident Doctors Can Help You
You need Accident Doctors that know how to deal with auto insurance companies and lawyers. We have been through it many times. Your car insurance might pay for the care you need if your health condition is due to an accident that occurred within the past 2 years. Your first visit will include a discussion of your insurance policy.
What would the cost be?
No out-of-pocket expense to see our Jesup doctors! We wait for payment from the insurance company responsible. Our doctors will wait until your case is settled and then treat you with an attorney’s lien.

We want each patient to be able to receive treatment for free! Our Accident doctors aim to remove the financial barrier to ensure that the injured patient can concentrate on getting better instead of worrying how they will pay for treatment. Insurance pays for the cost of treatment.
The other driver did not have insurance. How will I be paid for my bills?
If this is the case, your medical expenses would be covered by the uninsured driver insurance of the vehicle that you were driving. Med-Pay insurance on your car would also help you pay for the treatment. Georgia does not require PIP, but it will cover all your medical costs relating to an accident. PIP is mandatory in many states and may still be active. Many people who move to Jesup come from those states.
Will my premiums increase if I use my auto-med-pay coverage for medical care?
No. By law, your insurance company can’t raise your rates if you aren’t at fault. If everyone is affected by a rate increase, your premiums will go up. If you make a claim for med-pay or uninsured motor vehicle, however, your rates should not increase.
Do I need to be referred for treatment?
No. Call us and we’ll set up an appointment for you to see if we can help. A free consultation with an accident doctor is also available.
What is the most common mistake that injured victims make?
Injury victims often make the mistake of delaying treatment. Pain can take days or even weeks to manifest after an accident. If you visit an Accident Doctor now, they can assess the extent of your injury. You may have been given pain medications or muscle relaxers if you visited the ER. Although pain pills and muscles relaxers can provide some relief, these only mask the pain.
What is a soft-tissue injury?

In auto accidents, soft tissue injuries are common. They do not cause any broken bones but they can cause a micro-tearing of muscles. This serious injury, also known as “whiplash”, requires immediate treatment. Our doctors are most commonly treating soft tissue injuries.
What causes a soft-tissue injury?
When the affected part of the body, like the neck, is suddenly and forcefully moved, a strain/sprain injury can occur. The micro tears are usually incomplete and partial. It is important to consult an Accident Doctor immediately if you are not aware of the severity of your injury.
The emergency room told me I was fine. When the pain medication ran out, it came back. What should I do now?
“No broken bones” does not mean “no injury”. The symptoms are not fixed by pain pills or muscle relaxers. Our doctors address the problem at its root.
The police officer at the scene of the accident told me that I was fine, but I felt pain the next day. What should I do now?
Accidents can cause serious injuries, yet many people do not realize they are hurt for several hours or even days. It does not impact your personal injury claim unless you have never seen a doctor. The most important thing to do after a car accident is to see a doctor.
What happens if I do not receive treatment?
This can cause chronic neck and back pain, headaches, nausea, etc. that may develop into spinal arthritis. Many injury victims decide to settle their claim before consulting an Accident Doctor that specializes in Jesup auto accident injuries.

Call our Jesup Accident Doctors Now!!!
Call a Jesup Accident Doctor immediately after you have a personal injury resulting from a car crash. You can get immediate medical attention for your injuries. After an accident, it’s fine to visit the ER. After the ER you should see a Jesup Accident Doctor
If you have an attorney, we would be glad to work with them on a lien. If you don’t have an attorney, we offer a free attorney consultation. Any attorney will tell you seeing the doctor is the most important thing you can do for your case. Make sure you don’t delay your medical treatment.