Make sure to get immediate medical care if you or someone you love have been injured in a bus, bike, car or any other type of accident. Every accident is different and each injury requires unique treatment and therapy.
Click here to find a auto accident injury clinic near you.
It can be challenging to find an accident Doctor who is qualified to treat and document serious automobile accident injuries. While there are a number of Doctors listed in the phone book or on the internet, not all Doctor will accept automobile insurance or understand injury treatment.
Family Physicians

Oftentimes, accident victims will seek treatment from their family Doctor or PCP, which of course makes sense. Your family Physician feels familiar and has a history of past treatments and general medical health. However, you will most likely be met with discouraging results.
Your family Physician is a Medical Doctor who accepts health insurance and cash for payment. Moreover, a family PCP is not trained to document serious car accident injuries, and will not represent you if your case goes to court. While finding a qualified accident Doctor may be difficult, it is not impossible.
Our database includes a list of Medical Doctors, Chiropractors and Physical Therapists who specialize in automobile accident treatment.
Auto Injury Clinics in your area and how to find the right one
Finding auto injury clinics who treat car wreck patients can be a challenge. If you have an attorney, generally they will have a network of clinics or doctors. Otherwise, your attorney may refer you to outside clinics to get treatment. If your attorney does not have these relationships, then you might have more of a struggle.
Accident doctor has Medical Doctors and Chiropractors all around the united states who specialize in auto accident injuries. We have helped thousands of people who have been injured in an auto accident find a clinic. If we do not have a clinic listed, then contact our main number and we will find a qualified Accident Doctor near your area.
What kind of injuries can an accident clinic treat?
Automobile accident injuries can vary from scrapes and bruises to broken bones and head injuries. A qualified auto injury clinic must be equipped to diagnose and treat a variety of car accident injuries. X-Rays, MRI and CT Scans are commonly used with serious car accident cases.
In some cases, injury doctors may refer out to a specialist such as a Neurologist, ENT or Orthopedic Surgeon. However, most specialty doctors will require a referral from a physician, and may take several days or even weeks to get treatment. Talk to your Doctor about scheduling with a specialist.
Conversely, the majority of car accident injuries are considered soft tissue injuries. Whiplash and other soft tissue injuries may lead to numbness, headaches and stiffness, and can take several days to feel. Moreover, whiplash can happen at very low speeds and can lead to permanent pain if left untreated.

A good car accident clinic will provide a comprehensive treatment plan.
Believe it or not, it is considered uncommon to get broken bones or serious injuries in an auto accident. They generally make up a small percentage of injuries resulting from car wrecks.
Will they treat me without paying up front?
If you live in a non-pip state, most injury clinics will file a medical lien with an attorney to avoid any upfront costs for treatment. Of course, the insurance company would prefer if you paid for treatment out of pocket; however, most people cannot afford medical care after a serious car accident. Injury attorneys help Doctors collect money for services rendered.
However, in PIP states, the cost of your medical care will be filed under personal injury protection. Personal Injury Protection, commonly known as PIP, allows the Doctor to get paid directly from the Insurance Company, without the need of an attorney. PIP benefits are defined by each state, and are generally accepted as payment for automobile accident treatment.
Med pay or Medical Payment benefits can be included to a standard auto insurance plan. It helps protect you and any passengers in the car in the event of a serious car accident. Med Pay is commonly accepted form of payment for car accident treatment.
How can I find an Auto Accident Clinic?

You can find a Doctor who treats auto related issues by searching on our website in the upper right hand corner. Not all accident clinics treat auto related injuries. Before making the trip, make sure to ask the Doctor if they accept third party billing for car accidents.
Some insurance companies will suggest or even require you to get treatment from “their” Doctor, or a Doctor in their network. While this may be true, you have the right to a second opinion. Moreover, you can choose whatever Doctor you like for long term treatment. The insurance company cannot force you to get treatment or control where you get medical care.
What if I miss an appointment?
Delays or gaps in medical care can cause severe issues if you decide to file a medical claim against the insurance company. More importantly, delayed treatment may lead to further damage or additional injuries. At the same time, car accidents are among the most stressful events in life.
Car accidents affect every area in life and often leave patients unable to work and living in pain. Every accident Doctor understands the stress and challenges after a serious car accident. However, you should document the reasons behind any missed medical appointments. The insurance company will look for reasons to limit or deny your claim, and any documentation will help support your case.