With Obama care coming to realization, some people are still in disbelief. Obama care like it or not, will come to fruition. Many are wondering what the affordable health care act will do to the personal injury field. Obama care will not ration doctor care to the injured after a car wreck. There were many concerns that there might be some sort of panel of doctors for personal injury victims. Like the modern day workman’s compensation panel’s we now have.
What will Obama care do to the personal injury field?
In Accident Doctors opinion, Obama Care will do absolutely nothing to personal injury. The medical care and the doctors that personal injury victims receive now should not change at all when the new law goes into effect. Obama Care is nothing more than the government making Americans purchase health insurance if they do not have any.
If does not mean that everyone will be on some type of government insurance plan such as Medicaid. Even if everyone was on Medicaid, it would be not much different that it is right now. Most accident, and personal injury doctors work on a medical lien, Obama care should not even a factor.
Will car accident victims still be able to treat with a doctor of their choosing?
Last time I woke up, we are still in the USA, and no one can make you see a doctor, unless you want to. Even if you have insurance that will not cover you seeing an accident doctor, they work on medical liens, so this should not be a factor. You still will be able to see a personal injury doctor and get the care you deserve.
What Obama care does for pre existing personal injuries?
If you have been injured in the past, Obama Care will cover your personal injury, if your case has been closed. If you have an injury that requires ongoing medical care, Obama care should cover it.
Hospitals and Obama Care
If you went to the hospital after you were injured in a car wreck, your hospital bill might be more than someone who has health insurance. Health insurance companies have contracts with health providers and only pay what’s in their contract. That might be as low as 25 cents on the dollar. If you are injured in a car wreck and have no insurance, they might charge you the full 100% of the medical expenses.
Under Obama Care Hospitals can no longer charge individuals different from health insurance companies. It is possible this one change will drive health care prices up. If the hospital can not make up the difference by charging more to individuals, they have to charge more to everyone. If they charge more to everyone, the prices of health coverage will go up.
Business’s are no fools, they do not absorb higher cost. There profit margin will remain the same. The cost is put off to those who buy goods and services. The only people paying more will be us, the end user.
On another note please check out the Best & Worst States for Healthcare for information about your state and how affordable the healthcare coverage is.