Hurt in an auto accident? Call us, we can help!!
Call today for a same day appointment. No Fault and PIP Doctors in the Pasco County area. If you have been injured in a auto crash, call the Accident Injury Doctor. We can help provide you with the best medical care after you have been hurt.
Accident Doctor Group Lutz
260 Crystal Grove Boulevard #102
Lutz, FL 33548
We offer Doctors and specialist
- Chiropractic
- Medical
- Orthopedic
Services our Accident doctors in Lutz offer Personal injury patients
- Transportation to and from doctors appointments if needed
- Claims assistance with auto insurance
- Complete treatment plan
- Specialist
- Imaging
- 24 hour scheduling
- Walkins accepted within business hours
Injuries our Accident Doctors can help with
Auto accidents can result in a wide range of injuries, depending on factors such as the speed of the collision, the type of vehicles involved, the use of seatbelts and safety devices, and the overall circumstances of the crash. Our Accident injury doctors can treat all of them or refer you to a specialist.
Some common injuries sustained in car accidents include:
Whiplash is a neck injury that occurs when the head is suddenly jerked forward and then backward. It is common in rear-end collisions.
Accidents can lead to broken bones, including fractures of the arms, legs, ribs, and pelvis.
These can range from mild concussions to severe traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), depending on the force of impact and whether the individual was wearing a helmet or seatbelt.
The impact of a car accident can cause broken ribs or internal injuries to organs like the heart or lungs.
Spinal Cord
Severe accidents can damage the spinal cord, leading to paralysis or loss of sensation in various parts of the body.
Blunt force trauma from a crash can damage internal organs, such as the liver, spleen, or kidneys.
Soft Tissue
These include injuries to muscles, tendons, and ligaments, and can result in sprains, strains, or tears.
Auto accidents can lead to fires or explosions, causing burns of varying degrees.
Abrasions and Lacerations
Broken glass, debris, or contact with hard surfaces can cause cuts, scrapes, and deep lacerations.
The face may sustain injuries from airbags, glass, or contact with the steering wheel or dashboard.
It’s important to note that the severity of these can vary widely, and some individuals may escape with minor or no injuries, while others may face life-altering consequences. Always prioritize safety by wearing seatbelts, obeying traffic laws, and avoiding distractions while driving to reduce the risk of car accidents.
Can Chiropractic Care help after a auto accident?
Our lutz doctors office uses Chiropractic Care techniques when treating Auto Injuries. However minor, these can cause lasting pain if not properly treated. Our auto accident doctors and Chiropractors work together to treat and document all of your medical issues.
Every Collision Injury is different, which is why treatments can vary. For example, neck pain can signal severe disc or spinal damage, or simply minor muscle tearing. Chiropractic Care also utilizes Ultrasound to help reduce swelling after a serious Collision. Don’t delay treatment.
How your care is paid for
Many people wonder how their medical care is going to be paid for after they have experienced an auto accident. Our doctors accept all car insurances in Florida. However, in some cases there is no pip or no fault. Its possible the client moved to FL after their injury occurred. If the PIP is exhausted, your doctor will treat on whats call an attorney’s lien. They will also accept med pay or medical payments.
In the event your pip or med pay is exhausted, you will have to treat on an attorneys lien. We do not bill health insurance for personal injury cases.
No Fault and Pip Doctors of Lutz Florida
Florida is considered a No Fault state, which is a shrinking minority of states. This means that Personal Injury Protection or PIP coverage is mandatory on all insurance plans. Every auto owner must carry at least $10,000 of coverage for each vehicle. PIP coverage gives you the peace of mind that you can seek immediate medical treatment after a Accident.
Contact a No Fault Doctor today. We have Auto Accident Doctors who can treat all Personal Injuries.
Our number one objective is to help reduce pain and heal. Our staff has over 25 years of experience. If left untreated, even a minor injury can lead to chronic pain. Same day appointments available.
Should I go to the ER after a Car Accident?
The Emergency Room Staff is trained with the diagnosis equipment for Auto Accident Injuries. They will generally follow up on any urgent treatment needs and provide X-Rays, MRI or other imaging services to locate breaks or fractures.
However, the ER will not be the long term treatment provider for continued care. The ER staff will generally refer you to an car Accident Doctor who understands personal injury. The ER is also very expensive, which could limit the long term care your policy caries.
Will my Family Doctor treat my Accident Injuries?
We have treated thousands of Auto Injuries, and we have encountered just a handful of Family Doctors’ who accept third party billing in years. However, we do recommend that you inform your Family Physician about the Accident. Your Family Doctor knows your past injuries or treatments, which could assist your Accident Doctor.
The main reasons that your Family Doctor will not treat Auto Accident Injuries is due to the insurance billing and documentation. Your Family Physician bills through your personal health insurance, whereas Accident Doctors use PIP and NO Fault billing.
Can my insurance provider tell me which doctor to see?
Some insurance plans may require a visit from an approved Doctor in, their Network. This is generally known as an Insurer’s Exam. However, you do have the right to request a second opinion. Although your Network Doctor may be skilled, it is never a bad idea to get a second opinion from an actual auto accident doctor.
Chiropractic Care for Whiplash Injuries
Whiplash is a general term to describe a number of neck, spine and back injuries. The challenge for doctors is locating the source of pain associated with Whiplash. Chiropractic Care is known for being both mild and non-evasive, which helps is locating the origin of pain.
Chiropractic Care utilizes both Ultrasound and Muscle Manipulation to help treat Whiplash. In addition, Ultrasound is often used to reduce swelling around the neck, which accelerates healing. With the use of hands on manipulations, Chiropractic Care is the perfect addition to Medical Doctors.
Accident Doctors of Lutz Florida. Call today to schedule an appointment with a Chiropractor for Auto Accidents. You will never pay money out of pocket for treatment.
Do I need an Attorney?
No. That is the simple answer. However, depending on the severity of your injuries it may be in your best interest. In addition, if you were involved in a commercial accident, a good Accident Attorney may strengthen your claim. We work with a Network of Board Certified Attorneys. We know which Attorney is best for your case.
A good Attorney will work closely with your accident doctor. Additionally, your auto Accident Doctor will know the severity of your issues and which Attorney is best for your case. For example, your doctor and Attorney will work together to build a solid Case.
Contact the Lutz Auto Accident Doctor for free medical advice after your collision.

What if I don’t feel much pain?
When the body moves in an unnatural way, there is oftentimes soreness that results. For example, when you go to the gym you don’t feel pain on the drive home. However, later that day the soreness begins to settle in, and the next morning you can’t get out of bed.
Soreness takes time to fully express. A violent back and forth motion creates minor tearing in the muscle and skin tissue. Even a relatively minor accident at speeds of 5 mph has shown to cause chronic pain and suffering. Delayed treatment increases the chance of scarring and long term pain.
Lutz Auto Accident Doctors
We treat nothing but car, truck and motorcycle accidents. If you have been hurt, call us first. Our Lutz auto accident doctors have treat thousands of patients just like you.