You may have to search and make many phone calls to find a physician who will accept auto insurance near you for payment of medical care following a car crash. Your family PCP, for example, will accept cash or health insurance but not auto insurance. Ask a doctor near you whether they accept auto insurance, PIP, or med pay as payment.
Your PCP
Most primary care doctors do not accept auto, PIP or med pay insurances because they are not set up to bill for these types of policies. Third party billing is required for auto accidents. If you go to a doctor near you who doesn’t accept automobile insurance or third-party billing, the bill may be yours. You must go to a doctor that accepts auto insurance near you, regardless of who is at fault.
After an accident, not all doctors near you will accept car insurance as payment.
You may find it easier to locate a doctor that accepts your auto insurance if you live in a PIP state. PIP is not available in many states. This means that the options for millions of people living in these states are limited.
Finding a doctor in a state that does not offer PIP can be difficult for injured persons. This can be frustrating and difficult at times. Accident Doctor helps injured people locate a physician who will bill their insurance company near you.
Why will my primary care physician not accept my auto insurance policy?
Most likely, your primary care physician does not accept auto or PIP insurances. They almost certainly will not treat you on a medical loan. Like most doctors, they want to be paid for the services rendered. Almost all personal injury doctors who treat car-related injuries accept auto insurance. Finding an accident doctor near you who accepts auto insurance is essential.
A doctor near you that takes auto insurance needs to be able to
- Accept auto insurance.
- Works on a Medical Lien or Attorney Lien
- Know how to document a personal injury claim
- Auto accident treatment is a specialty.
- Accepts PIP & Med Pay
- Treat the injury and not the symptoms
- Understand the mechanics and injuries of a car crash and knows how to document said injuries for your attorney
Health Insurance
Some states have a complicated health insurance system. It’s a good idea to use health insurance following an accident. However, many doctors won’t treat you if they discover that it was caused by an auto accident. Some insurance companies will cover medical treatment after an accident. However, most insurance companies will not pay for medical care after an accident.
Third Party Billing
Third party billing may sound confusing, but it is actually quite simple. Third party billing is the same as a doctor near you that accepts auto insurance. This billing type is where a doctor or clinic can bill an insurer directly, or via an attorney or another third party. Third-party billing can include PIP (personal injury protection), auto insurance, Med Pay, or a lien/LOP by an attorney.
PIP Insurance
PIP, also known as No-Fault insurance, pays directly to the Accident physician without the need for an attorney. In states where personal injury protection (PIP) or no-fault insurance is required, No-fault coverage will be included in the auto insurance policy.
PIP is the preferred payment method for physicians since they do not have to rely upon an attorney. The Accident Doctor near you will also be more likely to receive a full payment or higher for the services rendered. PIP covers most passengers involved in automobile accidents, including uninsured drivers and hit-and-run accidents.
Auto Insurance
Auto Insurance is used to pay for the treatment of car accidents. Auto insurance is also required for the purchase and operation of a car. There are many auto insurance companies, but not all are the same.
When choosing an auto insurance provider, many people are more concerned with the price than the coverage. When it comes to auto insurance, cheaper does not necessarily mean better. You should ensure that you are adequately covered in case of an accident, hit-and-run or uninsured driver.
Med Pay
The Med Pay plan is an add-on to your policy. Accident doctors near you accept it and use it when the standard plan is not enough. Your agent will not mention Med Pay very often because they have little financial incentive to do so. They don’t earn much money, so they just don’t mention it. Med Pay is a great alternative for accidents involving hit-and-runs and uninsured drivers. For more information on Med Pay, ask your agent.
Liens & LOP’s
Liens or LOP are commonly used when an attorney is involved. The attorney for the accident will create a lien which must be signed by the doctor before treatment. The lien is a guarantee to the doctor that they will be paid when the case settles. Liens for auto accident treatment are not recommended for several reasons.
First, the doctor who treats car accident victims near you must wait for payment. The attorney may lose the case, leaving the doctor with no money for services rendered. Most doctors find that the money they receive is much lower than what it costs to provide services.
Be sure to see the right doctor near you that takes auto insurance.
It is important that you see the right doctor if you are injured in a car accident. This will help to ensure the integrity of your personal injury claim. You can find a doctor by using the zip code search at the top-right corner of this website.
Auto insurance companies do not want you to go to any doctor – let alone one who accepts insurance near you. All the doctors listed below accept auto insurance. If we don’t have a doctor listed in your region, please contact us.