Our Accident Doctors accept attorney liens
If you have been involved in a car wreck; we cannot stress the importance of seeking medical care immediately. The importance of a medical evaluation after a car accident cannot be overstated.
Raleigh auto accident doctors specialize in diagnosing and addressing injuries arising from car wrecks. This helps to prevent minor problems from turning into chronic ones. They also play an important role in your personal injury case. Your attorney will want you to treat with an accident doctor.
We have some of the best physicians listed in Raleigh that treat nothing but personal injury patients.
What is an Raleigh accident doctor?
An accident doctor in Raleigh NC is a physician that treats injuries resulting from car, motorcycle, tractor trailer, lift, and uber accidents. Most of their practice is dedicated to treating personal injury patients. Personal injury patients require special attention to detail when it comes to treating and documenting injuries stained in an MVA.
Accident doctors in Raleigh can be any physician, most of them are chiropractors. Chiropractic care is the number one treatment for personal injury. This is because most of these injuries are what is considered soft tissue damage. And Chiropractors are trained in the musculoskeletal, joints and soft tissue regions of the body.
Chiropractors offer
- Adjustments: Adjustments to increase your range of motion of realign joints and reduce inflammation.
- Exercises and stretches exercise and stretching is used to restore joint stability and mobility.
- Soft-tissue therapy: this will relieve tension, spasms, and relax muscles that are tight.
- Kinesio taping: This will support joints and muscles as they heal.
- Referrals to specialist: Chiropractors have relationships with specialist physicians. They need these specialists for personal injury patients that require more than just chiropractic care.
They can treat a variety of issues ranging from:
- Arthritis
- Headaches
- Whiplash
- Joint pain
- Lower back pain
- Muscle pain
- Neck pain
- Sciatica
- Shoulder
- Stiff muscles
Chiropractors are accidents doctors that are the gateway to more specialized care if the patient needs it.
Types of accident physicians
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Specialist doctors you may see after a Raleigh car accident
Medical Doctors
Seeing a medical doctor during your recovery in personal injury cases is very important. They can prescribe medication if needed, they also can order imaging services such as MRI’s or CT scans. Seeing a medical physician is almost a must in 2024. Your attorney will more than likely want you to see one during your treatment.
They diagnose and treat conditions in the musculoskeletal system, this includes bones, joints. muscles and ligaments. They offer treatments that are non-surgical for most, and surgical procedures as a last resort. In some cases, you may have to get a surgical procedure done immediately, as with a compound fracture. However, conservative treatment is the best option to begin with.

Physical Therapists
These accident doctors try to help patients restore movement and manage pain through special exercises. They create treatment plans to improve strength and flexibility
Pain Management Doctors
They specialize in diagnosing and treating chronic pain conditions through a variety of ways. these accident doctors may use injections, medication, physical therapy or minimally evasive procedures. They reduce pain levels and try to enhance mobility.
They are specialist accident doctors that treat the nervous system. This includes the brain, spine, and nerves. They can manage constant headaches which is a common injury after a car accident.
How are Accident Doctors in Raleigh Paid?
All Raleigh accident doctors listed on our website take a couple of different forms of payments. One thing to remember is you never have pay out of your own pocket. Many patients simply cannot to pay for treatment, and they shouldn’t have to. It’s the responsibility of the at-fault insurance company. However, if you live in a no fault or pip state, your own auto insurance is responsible of paying your medical bills. Some patients who are really hurt, never see an accident doctor for fear of medical bills. This could not be further than the truth, we require no money from you to start treatment.
Auto insurance
Many victims think we can just bill the at-fault carrier for their treatment, this is not the case. What we can do though is bill the auto insurance carrier if you have no fault, pip, or med pay.
PIP or personal injury protection and no-fault insurance
Personal Injury Protection (PIP) is coverage that you carry on your own insurance policy. This coverage pays for more than just medical treatment though. In some states it pays for lost wages, funeral expenses, rehabilitation, and more. It also pays for you and anyone in your car at the time of the accident, no matter who was at-fault. So even if you were found at fault, you can still see a physician for treatment. Your accident doctor can help you fill out and file the paperwork.
Med Pay or medical payments
Med Pay is an option on your own insurance policy, and it covers medical treatment and expenses for you and anyone in your car up to the policy amount. You can use med pay even if you were at fault for the accident. It covers ER visits, imaging services, hospital and treatments. Your accident doctor is very knowledgeable about med pay and can help you file all the necessary paperwork. Med pay is not mandatory anywhere in the United States, it’s an add on option that most insurance carriers never even educate you on.
Attorneys’ lien
This is by far the most common way in Raleigh that accident doctors are paid for their services. This is an agreement that will allow the provider to receive payment for their services directly from the settlement proceeds in a personal injury case. This helps the provider treat the personal injury patient with no upfront cost to the patient. The attorney will pay the accident doctor directly from the proceeds when he settles the personal injury case. All of our North Carolina accident doctors will take attorney liens, they just might not take them from certain attorneys.
What our Raleigh car accident doctors do to help you
Our physicians do a lot to help people who have been hurt in accidents. I have personally seen a doctor that saw a patient even though she was at fault for the accident and had no money to pay him. Furthermore, he did not expect her to pay him. We love these types of doctors who don’t care about the money, just trying to help someone out. Of course, we all need to make money, but he was looking at the bigger picture. That lady will always remember who helped her out, and when a friend or family member has an accident, she will tell them where to go.

How we help and what we offer
- Accident treatment
- We have locations near you
- Transportation services if needed (in some areas)
- No money out of pocket
- Specialist
- Imaging services
- We specialize in personal injury cases
- Documentation of injury for your personal injury case
- Same day appointments in most cases
How soon should I see the auto accident doctor in Raleigh
As soon as possible if you are hurt. We always say see the doctor within 72 hours. However, that’s not always the case. Our lives are busy and taking time out of your work week to go get checked out for what you think is a slight injury may not be possible. Small injures can turn into big problems later on down the road if not addressed quickly and by a accident doctor. We want to see you as soon as you can make it in. Our doctors will be able to do an evaluation and establish that your injury did come from your accident. The sooner you come in; the sooner you will feel better. Your documentation of your personal injury starts the first day of treatment.
Accident Doctors Document your injury for your attorney
To have a personal injury case, your attorney needs something from a doctor stating that you were injured in a car accident. This comes in the form of documentation. Documentation is the foundation of a personal injury case, and without it, you really don’t have a case. Documentation knowledge comes from years of treating personal injury cases. It’s not taught in any school. Its experience and expertise from accident doctors that make this documentation your evidence of injury. Not all doctors can do this, let’s take your primary care physician as an example.
Primary care physicians
In the old days, and i mean about 20 years ago, primary care physicians would not even see you if you were involved in a car accident. Some would want money up front, or just flat out tell you we don’t treat personal injury patients. I can only assume it’s because their billing structure was set up for health insurance, and most health insurance companies won’t pay for accident treatment. They certainly are not going to do an attorney’s lien. There have been a few cases that i personally did see health insurance pay for treatment related to a car accident. However, they filed a lien and wanted their money back.
Primary care doctors are great physicians, and we need them. They are focused on internal medicine and usually refer patients out to more specialized care in the event you need that type of care. However, they don’t provide the best documentation for a personal injury case.

Raleigh Accident Injury Doctors near you
We have been listing doctors who treat car accident injuries for over 12 years. We have a variety of doctors listed that can help you after you have been hurt in a car accident. They may be chiropractors, medical doctors, orthopedic, pain management or neurologist. We are always adding more, so if you don’t see an accident doctor in your area, please contact us. We will try and find you one. There is no doubt that when you go to our doctor locator, you will find one near you. If we do not have one listed, please give us a call