Auto Accident Injury Doctors

Detroit Accident Doctor is ready to help you when you have been hurt in a car wreck. Our auto accident doctors have treated thousands of Detroit auto injuries. We can do this under pip or no fault auto insurance. You get better, and not have to worry about the medical bills.
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Michigan has personal injury protection. Every auto insurance policy must include the minimum amount of pip for the state of MI. This means you can go see the doctor and he can bill the auto insurance carrier for the treatment. Pip also goes a step further and may pay for lost wages due to your car accident. The coverage was designed to limit the right to sue. It also covers you no matter who was at fault for the car crash. And furthermore, it covers you and any passengers in your vehicle at the time of the car crash.
See the Car Accident Doctor First
When you treat at an early stage , it will make a difference in how long it takes one to heal. When you go see a Detroit car accident doctor right away, he can start the treatment process before things can turn into chronic issues. Some of these issues may be constant or throbbing headaches, neck pain, back pain or soreness in your muscles.
Seeing a detroit car wreck injury doctor earlier rather than later, helps you get paid for your injuries. This is done in the form of a personal injury settlement from your lawyer. We work with most attorneys to help build an effective case. We also will accept pip or no fault auto insurance to make sure our auto injury care is accessible to all injured parties.
Detroit Personal injury doctor Treats Whiplash

We have all seen the funny TV shows with foam collars on peoples neck as they try and sue for millions. Nothing is further from the truth. While it is the most common injury, it is also very controversial. Some, not all, in the medical community think whiplash is not even real. Of course, it has been proven to be very real. And, the pain associated with it can be unbearable.
Our detroit car accident doctors have been treating whiplash injuries for many years. Soft tissue injuries are what they do well. And, that is what whiplash is, a soft tissue injury
See a Detroit Accident Doctor Immediately
An injury may not be evident at the time of the accident. And, you may not feel the effects of your injury straight away. This may be caused by a delayed pain or injuries. Take for example, a low speed collision could cause injuries to soft tissue. And, it could cause whiplash. If we can catch these injuries early, we can minimize the pain associated with them.
Chronic pain could set in later if you never see a car accident doctor in Detroit. Our Accident doctors can perform a full evaluation and identify these issues before they become big issues in the future. Our clinics have X-RAY, and can do MRI’s. We offer chiropractic care, medical doctors, and physical therapy. A Detroit car accident doctor is committed to getting you back to your pre injury condition utilizing all of his services.
We are committed to doing everything possible to make treatment easy for Detroit car wreck injury victims. We offer same-day appointments and no out-of-pocket expenses to the non-fault driver. See the Detroit car accident doctor today. They will accept no fault and pip auto insurance.