Our Physicians accept auto insurance and attorney liens

Hurt in a Henderson car accident? Make sure to see a doctor who treats auto injuries. Accident doctors treat nothing but car accident injuries which makes them the best at what they do. Our accident physicians have been helping injured henderson patients for years. Call us, we can help
Accident MD
Serving Henderson Accident Patients
Henderson, NV
Over 20 locations
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Don’t wait to see an auto accident medical doctor
Do not wait to seek medical care after you have been hurt in a car accident. Waiting, will only make things worse. And, it may hurt your personal injury case. After you have a Henderson car accident, get to the doctor immediately. Going to see a car wreck doctor will improve your chances of a recovery. An attorney may have a hard time proving your injury if you never see a doctor. If you wait, the medical adjuster may think your injury came from anywhere but the car wreck.
I don’t have money to see a car accident doctor
Seeking medical care after a car accident with no money is tough in some areas. However, in Henderson, our accident physicians and physical therapist will work on an attorney’s lien. If you go to see your primary care doctor, they may require to you to pay out of pocket. Who can afford to do this? Accident Medical doctors will also accept PIP or no fault and med pay.
Attorneys lien is when the attorney will pay the doctors visits out of the settlement after the case is settled. This works well for the patient as well as for the attorney. He does not have to go out and seek a doctor to work with him, he has one right here.
Primary care physicians won’t treat auto accidents
Your pc may not treat auto accidents. More than likely, none of them will. If they do, they will want to be paid out of pocket for there treatment. Going to the ER will get you out of life threatening danger. However, if you have soft tissue issues and whiplash, the ER is not going be much good.
The ER will more than likely write you are few scripts and cut you lose. If they do X-RAYS and you have no broken bones, they are going to discharge you. Follow Up care is on you.
Nevada car wreck statistics
- 53,151 traffic collisions this past year
- 34,456 of these car accidents involved property damage
- 18,472 involved personal injuries
Minimal Nevada car insurance
- Bodily Injury Liability 15,000/30,000
- Property Damage Liability 10,000
Seeing a doctor who treats nothing but car accident injuries will help you, and your attorney. You must see a doctor to determine how hurt you are. If you never go see one, you will not have a personal injury case. Our accident doctors can help you recover and get the settlement you deserve. Dont delay your medical care, call us today.
Accident MD
Serving Henderson Accident Patients
Henderson, NV
Over 20 locations
Call for one closest to you