Personal injury Physicians
We work with all personal injuries and lawyers. Liens are accepted. We’re the preferred accident doctors in Martinez and have helped many people recover from auto accident injuries. When you’ve been in a car accident, there are several important decisions you need to make. The first one is what doctor you need to go see. We have been treating personal injury cases for over 15 years, call today and get a free consultation.
It’s vital to make these decisions instantly and not delay. The very initial step after a injury would be to schedule a free consultation with our Martinez accident doctor.
We offer same day appointments in most personal injury cases.
Services we offer
- Chiropractic care
- Medical
- Orthopedic
- Physical therapy
- Auto accident treatment
Signs and Symptoms:

- Headaches
- Neck stiffness or pain
- Fatigue
- Shoulder pain
- Stress
- Mid or low back pain
- blurry vision
- dizziness
- nasal pain
- ring in the ears
- irritability
How we bill
- Attorney liens
- Med Pay or medical payments
- PIP or personal injury protection
- Third party billing
- Auto insurance
Pip is not mandatory in Martinez, Ga. However, we have a lot of people move here from states that have pip or no fault insurance. Our doctors can work with pip from outside states.
Gap in medical care or treatment
Hurt in a Martinez car crash, see the accident doctor. Waiting too long to see one is a common mistake after a Martinez car crash. This is what is called a gap in medical care and can be detrimental to a case. Medical conditions need documentation, and the only way to get that is to see a physician. No documentation for your attorney, means no settlement. See an Martinez accident doctor ASAP to avoid any issues with your medical treatment and documentation.
Don’t wait to see a Auto accident doctor in Martinez
Waiting can prolong your pain as well as fail to provide evidence of issues to an attorney. The attorney will present evidence to the medical adjuster to try and settle the claim. Without this, You don’t really have a medical claim. Furthermore, a attorney may not even take a case that has gaps in medical treatment. It make its harder to prove the issues came from the car accident.
Another reason to see a accident doctor ASAP is hidden injuries. The injuries may not hurt right away, It’s Possible to be hurt and not even know it.
Should I See a lawyer Before I See a Accident Doctor?
It’s crucial to get examined by the accident doctor first. Based on the findings and treatment schedule you will have plenty of time to speak with a lawyer. We can provide a free attorney consult at no charge to you or your family members. We can recommend some of the best attorneys in the Martinez area to help you with your case if you wish.
What If my car has Minor Damage?
Documented researches shows the amount of damage to your car or truck bears little to the force applied to the occupants. Put simply, the damage to the passengers isn’t necessarily directly linked to the property damage. All auto crash injuries have to be instantly evaluated by an experienced accident doctor.
What should I Want Neurologists Orthopedics, and MRI’s?
We can refer you to get a MRI. In addition, we work exclusively with qualified medical physician, experts like neurologists & orthopedics to provide any additional necessary care.
The Insurance adjuster wants me to sign some documents, What Should I Do?
Don’t sign anything till you’ve consulted with a personal injury specialist. If you decide to sign documents and settle your own case before the injury is fully healed, you’ll risk having to pay out of pocket for your medical care. If the adjuster has sent you something, make sure to let an attorney know.
I have been to the ER and my PCP, Should I still See a Martinez Car Accident doctor?
You’ll need a doctor that specializes in providing the medical care and identification of accident injuries. Typically, the ER will check for broken bones and internal issues. They will check for head trauma and cut you lose with pain relievers and muscle relaxers. They don’t treat soft tissue injuries caused by car accidents or provide ongoing medical care. And, following your hospital visit you want to see a Martinez accident doctor.
See the doctor first thing after your Martinez auto accident.
The accident doctor is the most important component after a car crash. Attorneys can help you get a settlement for your personal injuries suffered in your car wreck, the medical evidence comes from the accident doctor. For example, it’s easier for them to prove your injury came from the car wreck if you see the accident doctor first. He is the primary source for the documentation that proves your injury, you may not have a case if you never see a physician. A Martinez car accident doctor will know how to treat and write medical reports for your car crash.
Auto Accident Claims
You can suffer an injury in a low impact collision. Our doctors specialize in the handling of your case. We make it easy that you access the care that you require whenever you might be in pain and distress after an auto accident. Our physicians and the staff have years of expertise in the managing of auto collision claims.
Additionally to supplying the healthcare you require, we offer our patients with info like how to find an attorney, as you might require a lawyer to represent you, what you may expect from the insurance adjusters, and what’s a fair settlement for the case. In case you’ve a lawyer, we’ll work closely with their office, or if you want a referral to a lawyer, our office can offer a list of attorneys which our office has worked with for the last few years.

Come see our Martinez Accident doctors ASAP!
In case you’ve been hurt in a vehicle accident, do not wait to seek a doctor even when you feel you might have no injury. Injuries don’t show up until weeks or days. An evaluation is important to your health, particularly afterwards. See our Martinez Car accident doctor after you have been hurt in a car wreck. Our accident doctors treat nothing but personal injury.