Personal injury Physicians
After a Macon car accident, you need to see the doctor first. Seeing the doctor first ensures you have no gap in medical care. A gap in medical care is where you wait or delay you medical treatment. Injuries need documentation for your lawyer, without it, you may not get a settlement at all. See a Macon accident doctor immediately following your car, truck, or motorcycle accident.
We offer Chiropractic Care, Medical and Orthopedic doctors, physical therapist at our macon locations
To receive treatment at our accident doctor group locations, you need to either have an attorney, or your accident report. The attorney is important to our doctors so that we can file a lien with them. The accident report is a document that everyone will need in the near future. We want it so we can check our all the details and ensure you and your passengers are listed on the report. However, there may be instances for which your passengers are not listed, this is a common issue.
Services we offer at our Macon locations
- Chiropractic care
- Physical therapy
- Orthopedic
- Medical
- CT scan
We have multiple accident doctor group offices in Macon, no one office has all of these services. In some personal injury cases on doctor may refer out to another to ensure the patient receives the best possible care.
How soon should I see a Doctor?
You should seek medical clinic care ASAP. If you are injured in a car wreck, your injury needs to be documented. Furthermore, you are hurt, go to the personal injury doctor immediately. If you cannot find an injury doctor go to the emergency room. Insurance companies look at when you seek treatment.
However, if you seek treatment 3 weeks after your accident, it may be too late. Don’t wait to get treatment. Gap or delayed treatment will compromise your case. A personal injury lawyer might not even take your case if you wait too long to get treatment after an accident. It’s extremely important to get treatment as soon as possible.
How your accident doctor is paid for after a macon car accident
You may receive medical care for free after you have been Hurt in a Macon auto accident. Medical Treatment and care are the responsibility of the at-fault insurance company. If you have had a car crash and it was not your fault, you and your passengers could receive free medical treatment and care. You may have to hire an attorney in order to receive your free medical treatment. Talk to your local Macon accident doctor for more details.
Payments our doctors take
Med pay or medical payments
Medical payments are used on your own auto insurance policy. Your accident doctor will help you file all the necessary paperwork to receive treatment under med pay. Med Pay will pay for you, and anyone in your care at the time of the accident. Medical payments are in usually in increment of thousands of dollars. You are the person who sets the limits. Furthermore, if you don’t know what med pay is, talk to your insurance agent. The cost is usually minimal compared to the benefit.
Pip or personal injury protection
Georgia does not have pip or personal injury protection. However, many people travel through or visit who have personal injury protection. Its common that we get a lot of people from Florida or Some of the northern states that do have pip. Our doctors will have the ability to file for pip as long as your accident occurred in that state. More info on pip can be found here
No fault auto insurance
No fault is the same thing as pip. However, in different parts of the country, people call it different things. Our Macon accident doctors can help you file for the paperwork to get your treatment covered under no fault as long as the accident occurred in that State.
Attorney liens
Attorney liens are nothing more than an agreement in a paper form between your personal injury attorney and your accident doctor. This lien just states that medical care will be paid out of any settlement or recovery that the attorney makes in your personal injury case. In many cases, the attorney will negotiate the medical bills on your behalf and get them reduced.
Billing the auto insurance or the at fault party
Accident doctor group generally does not bill the at fault party’s insurance company directly. It is done indirectly through an attorneys lien. Billing your auto insurance directly is generally don’t under the provisions of pip, no fault, and med pay.
Our Accident Doctor Group Locations in Macon, GA
155 Franklin St
Macon GA 31201
3200 Riverside Drive, Building C Suite 200
Macon GA 31210
After a Macon car wreck, you may suffer from these Conditions
- Arm Pain
- Back Pain
- Contusions (bruising)
- Depression
- Difficulty concentrating
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Leg Pain
- Muscle Weakness
- Neck Pain
- Numbness
- Shoulder Pain
- Spasms
- Sprains
- Strains
- Tension
- Tingling sensation
- Whiplash
It is very common when you are involved in a stationary vehicle that was hit in the rear. This occurs when your neck gets thrown forward and then back again very quickly. This motion is where the name whiplash. Whiplash can have pain that may be delayed.
Seek medical care ASAP after you have been in a Macon auto accident.
Gap in medical care or treatment
What is a gap in medical treatment? This is after you have an auto accident; you may feel fine so you don’t go see a doctor. Days or weeks go by and then you start feeling pain. So you go see a dr. but it has been two weeks since the car wreck. This would be a gap in medical care.
You don’t want to find yourself with a gap in medical care. The insurance company will try to say that your injury came from anywhere but from your incident. A gap in medical care will make it very difficult for your attorney to prove you are hurt. Avoid a gap in treatment by seeing the doctor that treats car accidents, call today!

See the doctor first after your Macon auto Accident
Why see the doctor first? I thought I needed to see a lawyer first? Any good lawyer will tell you the most important thing you could do in a case is to see a doctor. You can’t wait to meet a lawyer; you cannot afford to wait to visit a doctor.
The doctor is the key to your case, without him, you may not have a case at all. Your medical provider has to provide documentation of injury to your lawyer to prove your injury. Our injury clinic knows how to document car accident injuries, get them documented today by a Macon doctor. Please call for a free consultation.