Personal injury Physicians
We provide treatment for Auto Accident injuries, motorcycle, tractor trailer, commercial, and Slip and Fall personal injury cases. Tractor trailers and motorcycle accidents can result in serious injuries. If you’re involved in one, your injuries can be life changing.
You should see a Duluth Accident doctor today if you are injured in a car crash. We accept same day appointments as well as walk-in visits. Our Duluth car accident doctors specialize in treating car, truck, motorcycle, and tractor-trailer crashes.
Delayed Treatment Can Hurt Your Auto Accident Case
Your case can be compromised if you delay treatment. We are proud to have the most experienced personal injury doctors in Duluth. Auto injuries can be very difficult to diagnose and treat because of the wide variety of problems. Accident Doctors in Duluth know how to document and treat your injuries. In general, if you have more documentation the stronger your court case will be. Accident Doctors in Duluth can treat you today, no matter how serious or minor the injuries from your car accident are.
Medical gaps
What’s the deal? It’s when you go to your car accident doctor In Duluth, but don’t return for another month. An interruption in medical attention can harm a personal injury claim. If you do not see a physician, your insurance company will not believe that you have been injured. A lawyer may also doubt your injuries. It is important to consult a doctor immediately and follow the instructions. The doctor will give you a detailed medical plan. Be sure to follow the advice from your accident doctor.
Our Services
Our personal injury patients can take advantage of a range of services. If your injury is severe enough, we will refer you to one of our specialists in our network. You can find a list of some of our services here.
- Attorney Referral If Necessary
- Auto Accident Rehabilitation
- Chiropractic Care
- Pain Management
- Claim Assistance
- Cold and heat therapy
- Direct 3rd Party Billing Services
- Get a Free Consultation
- Medical Experts
- Pain Management
- Personal injury treatment
- Physical Therapy
- Specialist Referral If Necessary
- Spinal decompression therapy
- Transportation is available if necessary.
- We accept some payments from auto insurance.
We accept no-fault, pip, and med pay auto insurance. We work with LOPs or attorney liens.

- 21st Century
- Allstate
- Auto-Owners
- Bristol West
- Direct General
- Esurance
- Florida Farm Bureau
- Priority One
- Geico
- Liberty Mutual
- MetLife
- Progressive
- Safeco
- State Farm
- Travelers
Here are some of the most common carriers that we accept at our doctors’ offices. If you don’t find yours on the list, you can still visit the doctor.
Should I dial 911 after a car crash?
It is always recommended that you contact the police or 911 after an car crash. This allows medical responders to assess the scene for injuries and gives police an opportunity to do so. Accident victims believe their injuries to be minor and don’t seek medical attention. Take your injuries seriously. Even a minor truck or car crash at less than ten miles per hour may cause tearing of the neck and spine. Our Duluth accident doctor will treat your pain.
Your Duluth accident doctor can help you with third-party auto insurance.
Third party auto insurance can be billed by your Duluth accident doctor. What does it mean for you, the patient? You can firstly get the care you require. Third party billing is simply the accident doctor billing the auto insurance. Not all doctors are capable of this. Many rely upon first-party insurance companies such as blue cross and blue shield.
Is it necessary to see my primary doctor?
You should visit a primary care doctor when you’re sick. However, they may not be the best doctors for you to see following a car crash. These doctors don’t have much experience with car accident cases. As mentioned above, they do not accept third-party billing. The primary care physician will demand payment up front. You may be denied an appointment. See a doctor that does not consider your fault. Most of the time, your primary doctor will not properly document your accident treatment. These doctors have been set up to bill insurance. Health insurance does not cover car crashes in Duluth.
Do I need a lawyer?
It’s a big deal. Do you require a personal injury lawyer? That depends. Your Duluth car accident doctor will address your medical concerns. If your injuries are severe, you might need to consult an attorney. The car accident may have caused you to lose your job or lost time from work. A lawyer may be needed to help you recover your lost wages. They can assist you in obtaining compensation for pain and discomfort, medical costs, and damages to your vehicle. You can ask your Duluth accident doctor for the best accident attorney around.
Soft Tissue Damage after a Car Accident
Duluth Injury doctors treat more accident victims in this area than any other auto injuries doctor. We can identify and treat soft tissue injuries. Our Duluth no fault doctor is a highly experienced auto-related injury specialist. He has been treating injuries from car accidents for over 10 years. Most injuries will not be felt for days. Soft tissue injury is the term used when bones separate from muscle and skin tissue.
Regardless of how bad your pain may be after an injury, the damage to soft tissues can often increase. Soft tissue damage cannot be detected by X-rays and MRI. A car crash can cause minor tears to occur in the neck and spine. Mild discomfort is often a sign that deeper injuries are present.
Feeling Numb
Auto accident patients often report numbness and/or loss of feeling in the hands, arms, or legs. After a car wreck, patients also feel dizziness or lack of clarity. It is important to treat all auto accident injuries immediately after the car accident. After a serious collision, it is not uncommon to experience a temporary sensation of numbness. Adrenaline can cause patients to feel more alert. Your injuries may appear minor at first but only a Duluth Accident Doctor will be able to treat the source of your pain. Duluth Accident Injury Clinic treats car wreck injuries.
Chiropractic Care and Imaging
They offer hands-on treatments that are not visible with imaging or X Rays. Chiropractic Care uses ultrasounds to reduce inflammation and swelling following a serious auto accident. The inflammation causes blood to accumulate around the damaged vertebrae. If inflammation is not treated, the pain can become severe. Imaging services, such as MRI or X-Rays, cannot detect inflammation-related pain. We provide many imaging services.
Duluth Chiropractors know how to use spinal adjustments to release pressure and pain. Chiropractic Massage can be performed regardless of the level of pain. The body can heal faster with physical therapy. Prescription medications or surgery can resolve most back and spine injuries. In the treatment of personal injuries, we aim to reduce pain. Severe discomfort can hinder the healing process. Moreover, we work closely with your attorney to determine what your long-term needs are for pain management.

Call our Duluth Accident injury doctor for treatment today
Don’t delay, call today!!!
We accept PIP, NO Fault Auto Insurance, and all other insurance. Our doctor can charge third-party auto insurance under pip or med pay. We can work with your attorney under a lien. If you do not have an attorney you can still get treatment for your injuries. Some cases do require the use of an attorney, speak with your doctor for more information.
Same-day Appointments in most personal injury cases