Personal injury Physicians
Make sure to see a doctor immediately after your Newnan car crash. Our doctors have been treating personal injury for over 20 years. The most common injuries suffered is whiplash.
Whiplash is a serious injury that you should take very seriously if involved in an accident at Newnan. You may be misled into believing that you’re not seriously hurt because symptoms can take up to a month or more to show. Whiplash injuries can manifest as a range of symptoms including shoulder pain that radiates to the elbow, hand, or wrist pain. Lower back pain may also be present, along with headaches, jaw, and neck pain.
Call our doctor, we are here to help and provide immediate treatment for your injuries, even if you don’t have an attorney
How Our Newnan Accident Doctors Can Help You
If you have an accident, it is important to visit a Newnan Accident Doctor, who are experienced in working with insurance companies, lawyers, and other professionals. We’ve done this many times. If you’ve had an auto accident within the last two years, your insurance company may pay for any medical care. As part of your initial visit, you will need to find out the details of your policy.
You may need an attorney to help you with your case. Our Newnan accident doctors know the best in Atlanta and can help you find one that fits well with you.
Frequently Asked Question
What is the price?
No out-of-pocket expense! Our policy is that we wait for the payment to come from the insurance provider. Our policy is to wait for the settlement of your personal injury case and then provide you with legal services on a lien.
Our aim is to have each patient pay nothing! Our Accident Doctors want to remove any financial barriers so that injured patients can focus on their recovery instead of worrying about paying for treatment. Insurance covers the cost.
The other driver had no insurance. How will my bill be paid?
In this case, it would be the uninsured motorist insurance on the vehicle that was occupied by you who would be ultimately responsible for paying your medical bills. Med-Pay would also cover treatment if you have it on your car. PIP would cover your entire medical bill if you were involved in an accident. PIP coverage is still mandatory in some state, but not Georgia. Atlanta is the great melting pot, and people come from all over. In some instances, you may have pip on your policy and not know it if you moved from a pip state.
When I use the auto med pay coverage to pay for services, will my premiums rise?
No. Law prohibits your insurer from raising your premiums when you are not at fault. For a standard rate hike, which affects everyone’s rates, your premiums could go up. You should not see your premiums increase if, on the other hand, you have filed a claim for medical payments or uninsured drivers.
Do I have to go through the referral process?

No. We will schedule an appointment with you if you want to know if Accident doctors can help. You can also get a free consultation from our accident doctors.
What is one mistake that most injury victims make when they are injured?
Delaying treatment is one of the most common mistakes that accident victims make. Pain often takes days or even weeks before it appears after an incident. You can get an early diagnosis of the severity of your injuries by visiting an Accident doctor. In the ER they may have prescribed you pain medication or muscle relaxing drugs. While muscle relaxants and pain pills may offer some relief, the only thing they do is mask your pain.
What is a Soft Tissue Injury?
Auto accidents often result in soft tissue injury. Even though they don’t involve broken bones they can still cause micro tears of the muscles. This serious injury has a common name, “whiplash,” and requires immediate attention. Soft tissue injuries are among the most common problems that our doctors deal with.
What are the causes of soft tissue injury?
Strain/sprain soft tissues are caused when the affected area of the body is over stretched and moved with great force. It causes a micro tear of the ligaments or muscles, which is usually an incomplete tear. Your injury may not be as serious as you think. That is why it’s important to see an Accident Doctor right away.
The emergency department said I was fine. After the pills were finished, the pain returned. What can I do?
“No broken bones” does not mean “no injury”. Painkillers and muscle relaxants only treat the symptoms. They do not solve the problem. Our doctors will address the root cause of your problem.
What should I do? I told the officer I was fine at the time of the accident but was in pain the following morning.
Many people injure themselves in accidents but do not know about their injuries for many hours or days. This will not affect your case unless the person has never seen a doctor. It is important to consult a medical professional after an accident.
What will I experience if I don’t receive any treatment?
This can lead to chronic pain in the neck, back, and shoulders, as well as headaches and dizziness. These symptoms may progress into early spinal arthritis. It is common for injury victims to settle claims before being examined by an Accident Doctor who specializes in Newnan auto accidents injuries.
Car accident injury and the need for immediate treatment by a Newnan Accident Doctor
- Constant headaches
- Muscle spasms or tension in the neck or shoulders
- Difficulty in focusing
- Pins & Needles Sensation on Neck or Shoulders
- A decrease in range of movement or pain when moving your head
- Tightness in neck and shoulders
- The muscles feel stiff
- Neck pain, tenderness and swelling
- Tingling of the arms and shoulders or in the hands
- Ringing of the Ears
- dizziness when sitting or standing
- Weaknesses of arms
- Memory loss or confusion
- Depression or anxiety
You may experience most of these symptoms simultaneously or just a few. Newnan Accident Doctors are recommended if you have any of the symptoms. Don’t wait! Call us today

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Call Our Newnan Injury Doctors Today!!
You should call an Accident doctor immediately following your Newnan. They can offer immediate care for any injuries that you have suffered. The ER is a good place to be after an accident. Newnan Accident Doctors are needed after an accident.